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Meeting Your Father . . . Before you were born.

Hello. I'm Joe Talcott


The Man and Woman who feature in this historical blog were my Father and Mother, Leonard and Janet Talcott. For so many years I had old photos, letters, newspaper clippings and other paraphernalia that were kept in large plastic tubs under the bed. I finally decided to do something with all this material and had a great time trying to put it in order to tell a story of some kind.

This was a big project that required help from many people. Kari Skidmore, John Talcott, Mary Talcott, Stacey Thorpe & Emily Thorpe all helped put the pieces together.


The material was first sorted. Then photographed. Then scanned. And then the most difficult part; transcribing the letters from hand-written to typed. That meant “decoding” the handwriting and “translating” 1940’s American English. And, finally, building a website.

Lt Talcott by Joe c1960

For me it was a fascinating experience. I was able to meet my father before I was born! I found myself saying “so that’s where that expression came from”! Or “that is why he held that opinion”. 

There are so many memories that come back and so many things that I wish I had asked my parents. So many interesting connections. 

We are lucky to have this material. Hopefully, this project will preserve it for those future explorers. 

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