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Friday, 14 January 1944  (D440114

Arsenic and Old Lace



January 14, 1944


Dear Jan


Well darling, last night we saw our first show in over five months. It was really a great feeling. Not too good a show, but still one we all enjoyed. It was Arsenic and Old Lace. You probably saw it some time ago.


Yesterday got a letter from Mother written on Christmas day. My sister that teaches in Red Lake was with them for the holidays and one of my brothers lives only a few miles from them so they had a nice Christmas.


Haven't received your Christmas present yet, but realise that there are lots of things that could happen to it. You know what they are. As long as I get your letters that 's all I ask for. Believe me honey, that is what keeps us going over here.


All my love



* EDITOR'S NOTE: Twenty Six years later, in 1970 I would play the role of Jonathan Brewster in our Junior Class play, Arsenic and Old Lace.

“...last night we saw our first show in over five months.”

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