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"I am not hurt bad at all but I am in the hospital right now and naturally I do have some pain".

Tuesday, September 19, 1944  (s440919)

In Hospital in Naples

V-Mail to Myron & Carrie Talcott

Randalia, Iowa

Dear Folks


I am not hurt bad at all but I am in the hospital right now and naturally I do have some pain.


Several of my friends have stopped to see me and my nurses are girls that I had met at Anzio. We've had a couple of days of rain but this afternoon it has been very sunshiny. I just got hit a couple of places in the leg and one in the arm.


Will write more later.


Best of luck — with love


Leonard always put a positive spin on his news. But his Military discharge (above) describes his injuries this way; "(95) Fracture and dislocation of bone or joint resulting in ankylosis malunion, union, deformity, osteomyelitis, etc. excluding amputation".

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