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“Honey you ought to see the women over here carrying enormous loads of every description on their heads.”

Sunday, 9 January 1944  (D440109)

Sunny Naples



January 9, 1944


Hello Jan Darling


It's an awful nice Sunday afternoon here in a truly sunny Italy. It's the first real nice day that we've had for a long time. I've just finished a good dinner and am looking forward to a few days of good rest. May not get to go to the regular rest camp because of the typhus scare in that city, but we'll enjoy a plain old rest where ever we are. We're having steaks and have enough fresh butter now. Can you imagine me with plenty of butter. The only thing lacking is the butter milk.


My gosh, honey, I sure wish I could see you. There's so much to talk to you about. It's really good to have that to look forward to and plan for. You can't imagine how good it makes me feel to know that you're with me. 


I sincerely believe that it's pulled me through some pretty tough spots.


We all have the feeling that this year will end the war and see us back in the States again. Of course there will be lots of adjusting to be done, but I'm sure that anyone who goes though this will be able to make the change back without any trouble.


I haven't heard from you since you've been home but surely I'll have another letter soon and I'm hoping for the new pictures. Honey you ought to see the women over here carrying enormous loads of every description on their heads. You know over here the men don't believe in working. We can't get used to that. But you'll straighten me out on that. In a hurry. 


No honey, I still believe that it takes a darn good manager to run a house. Especially with a few children.

I'll write more later.


Hello to #902.

All my love



This 100 LIRE note, Allied Military Currency, was signed by his comrades on the front and the back on a previous visit to Naples. When he returned home, his fiancee Janet signed as well.

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