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Monday, 22 December 1941  (D411222)

Merry Christmas

Meridian Air Base

Key Field, Miss.

Saturday Morning


Dear Folks and Uncle Louis,


As I have only a short time before going back into the kitchen I'll make this a joint letter. First I want to thank you all for the many Christmas presents. It will be swell to get the Readers Digest fresh off the press and I like the photo of Pa you included. Mama maybe while you are there in Long Beach you will see a place where you can get one taken.


I certainly appreciated Uncle Louis's gift.

I'm sorry about the black outs etc. there but we must all be on our guard now until this is over.


Several of the men from our group have been sent away but they tell us that we will probably stay here for some time training and finding recruits, but you can't tell. I'm very well satisfied with my job as cook, it makes me feel that I have an important part in the health and happiness of the boys, which is important. Sometimes I think of being a flying cadet but don't really think I'm suited for the job.


I'm so glad that you folks can all be together for Christmas and know that you will be having a good visit.


 With love and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



“I'm sorry about the black outs etc. there but we must all be on our guard now until this is over.”

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