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Tuesday, 28 July 1942 (D420728)

Daily Life

Dear Folks


Everything continues about as usual here with the exception that we have been promised a change of address in the near future - our entire squadron will change places with another squadron in the same group. I can't say when the change will be made or where we will go but I'm sure that it will be closer to home, and for a rest. If it is within calling distance I will call you as soon as I arrive there. Please do not worry about me. Your people as a government are taking splendid care of us Boys and we appreciate it. Our boats and planes are always well protected and on top of that I'm about the luckiest person on earth, large enough and healthy enough to take care of myself. Of course we are all very anxious to get back to civilization but I wouldn't be surprised if we will all look back on this experience as being one of the best. It has taught us to appreciate the little things in life and given us all a much broader aspect of things in general. It's almost unbelievable the way that you can think down here with the heavens so very close.


A few of us boys have made a sail boat mostly out of lath and with sheets for a sail. We can really get the speed out of it. I guess if it ever became necessary we could sail her back to Frisco. At present we just sail around in the lagoon back of our camp, usually drop anchor out in the middle to do a little fishing and swimming.


I realize that you have asked and would like to know many things about our life here but it is considered good business by our military leaders not to write about those things, so if you'll be patient I'll tell you all about it when I get home. 


Our Chaplain is a very fine man, Major Nichols. We have church services every Sunday morning which are very interesting and then the movies on Friday nights and our Squadron meetings on Wed night; so you can see we really don't lack for something to do. Also we are fortunate in having such a swell bunch of fellows to be with. Two of my best friends come from Ohio and Washington. The boy from Ohio is Jim Berline from Niles, Ohio. He was on the Ohio State Basketball team and is a good all around athlete. We have lots of fun together. The other boy, Jack MacAlister, is from Goldendale, Washington. He was in the restaurant business before the Army got him. 


I've got a couple of good books from the Chaplain which I enjoyed. Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington and Rabble in Arms by Roberts. Both of them very interesting and basic.


I was glad to hear about Pa working on the Democratic Committee. It seems to me that our leaders need all the help that they can possibly get in times like these.


I surely hope that you are all well and happy. I think about you a lot and know that times must be pretty hard and it's an awful nervous strain to have everything happening at once. You mustn't worry about me. I'm too lucky for anything to happen to me.


Best regards to all of our friends.


With love



"I've got a couple of good books from the Chaplain which I enjoyed. Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington and Rabble in Arms by Roberts. Both of them very interesting and basic".

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