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“You probably can guess what I've done by the stationery”.

Friday, 11 July 1941  (D410711)

Enlisted in the Army Air Corps

United States Army Air Corps

4th Air Base

Selfridge Field, Michigan

50th Pursuit Group

Dear Folks,


You probably can guess what I've done by the stationery. I had the chance to get into this line of service and felt that it was the correct thing to do, so I enlisted for a period of three years.


It was very nice to receive your letter at Camp Grant and to know that Margaret got home all right.


I hope that she had a good time while in Illinois. As you probably know it was pretty difficult for me to entertain her.


I just had my second anti-typhoid shot and my first army hair cut. We have a wonderful place to stay here and the meals are very good. We came most of the way up here on a streamlined train which was very nice. All barracks face onto Lake St. Clair and we are 27 miles from Detroit.


I would appreciate it is you would send me Uncle Louis' address, Charlie's, Gladys's and Gerald Brownell. After I find out more about what I'm doing I will write you about it. I hope you are all well and happy.

With Love 



Leonard Talcott      

50th Pursuit Group

4th Air Base

Selfridge Field, Michigan

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