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“I haven't heard anymore from the draft board and really don't expect to unless we are taken into the fighting and I certainly don't think that will happen if everyone involved thinks before they act”.

Sunday, 26 January 1941  (D410126)

The Draft Looms

Dear Folks,


I'm sorry that I haven't been able to answer your letter before but its that same old story of being so busy.


I have had a great many things happen here since writing to you some good and some not so good, but like almost everything it all turned out for the best. The theme of the whole thing was that Mr Zerby was jealous of my position and tried his best to remove me but now everything is lovely again.


I surely hope your back is getting better mother and please let me know if there is anything that I can do or get to help you.


How are all the relations and friends out there? Have you heard from Aunt Stella and Uncle Louis?


I haven't heard anymore from the draft board and really don't expect to unless we are taken into the fighting and I certainly don't think that will happen if everyone involved thinks before they act. We started out with a defence program and think we had better complete it before we start the offensive. One thing at a time policy.


We have just received about 8" of snow during the night and as yet we are still getting it so by tomorrow morning we may have to do some shovelling in order to get milk to the babies, but we'll get it there somehow.


I hope you folks are feeling better and that everything is all right. The entire world seems to be somewhat under a nervous strain but we must not loose our sense of humor. I think it's a good asset.


The Andersens send their regards.

With Love 


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