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"Last Saturday night I acted as best man for my friend Jim Berline. He was married in the Methodist church here in Columbus. A very quiet wedding with an informal supper afterwards. We all had a nice time. He married a school teacher from his home town in Ohio".

Editor's Note: Leonard & Jim Berline became best friends. They both served on Christmas Island and in Italy. Fifty six years later, In 1998 (the year Leonard died) we were surprised to hear that he had decided to take a trip to South Carolina. Surprised because he did not travel much later in life. But he booked his ticket, assured us that he'd be just fine (even at 80) and set off to visit his life-long friend, Jim Berline. On his return he was proud to show off the pictures that he had taken during his holiday. Having now read all these letters, I believe that he was determined to see Jim, and not miss him again as he had at Anzio.

Friday,12 December 1942 (D421209

Thirtieth Company

Third Student Training Regiment

Fort Benning, Georgia


Dec 9, 1942


Dear Mother, Pa, Uncle Louis, Wes and Family


I've just got a few minutes tonight before the lights go off. I received your letters yesterday and also the package of candy. They were all equally good. We still don't know just when we will get through here, probably the 26th. And it will take a few days to get there. So you had better plan your Christmas without me. However I'll try to make it for New Years and the Christmas tree really sounds good to me.


If it's all right with you all, I'll wait until I get home to get the Christmas greetings.


Last Saturday night I acted as best man for my friend Jim Berline. He was married in the Methodist church here in Columbus. A very quiet wedding with an informal supper afterwards. We all had a nice time. He married a school teacher from his home town in Ohio.


Sure hope that it doesn't get much colder there. Must have been pretty bad to freeze just going to the mail box.


I've got a big four-hour graded test tomorrow and it's time for lights out now, so I'll close and write a more detailed note later.


Was glad to hear that Margaret could be with you on Thanksgiving. 


Best of luck to you all.


With love



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