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Darling, I'm at the Anzio beachhead, safe and sound. A little tired now so will write more later..”

Wednesday, 21 February 1944  (D440221)




February 21, 1944 

(Earned Bronze Star 2 days earlier)


Hello Jan Darling


This is the first chance I've had to write in quite a little while. Want you to know that I'm OK and that your prayers for my safety have been answered time and time again. That means a great deal to me Hon and someday soon I hope to be together again, having lots of real fun.


Surely am proud of you and what you're doing. Do hope that your new boss will be as nice an Mr. Craig. He'll just have to be nice to you cause, he will. That sounds silly, but hope you know what I mean. 


Wish that I could have been with you for your birthday and am anxious to see your new suit. Maybe a picture?? Feels like I know your folks already. Just from knowing you darling, they must be swell.


Tomorrow is my Mother's birthday. Brings back many pleasant memories of the past and also puts lots of ideas in my head for the future.


Darling, I'm at the Anzio beachhead, safe and sound. A little tired now so will write more later.


All my love and luck, Len


Leonard D Talcott 01305854, Infantry, First Lieutenant, Headquarters Company, 179th Infantry Regiment, for heroic achievement in action on 19 February 1944 near Carroceto, Italy. Working under heavy enemy artillery fire, Lieutenant Talcott directed a group of men in constructing a new regimental command post. Although the area chosen for the headquarters was under constant shell fire, Lieutenant Talcott succeeded in establishing the command post, materially aiding regimental operations during a series of crucial enemy attacks.

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