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The other day I sent you a little package. A very nice Cameo that will sure look good on you. I'm anxious to see you with it. Matter of fact, I'd like to see you period. Also sent along a little silk tea set as a souvenir from Jolly old Italy. And I sent the Bill Mauldin cartoon books. You'll like that I'm sure. 

Monday, 26 June 1944 (D440626)

Italy . . . Preparing for the invasion of Southern France, at Côte d'Azur

Monday, 26 June 44



Janet Darling


The other day I sent you a little package. A very nice Cameo that will sure look good on you. I'm anxious to see you with it. Matter of fact, I'd like to see you period. Also send along a little silk tea set as a souvenir from Jolly old Italy. And I sent the Bill Mauldin cartoon books. You'll like that I'm sure. 


Honey, your little book of clippings got here yesterday and I sure did enjoy it. you must have put lots of work on it. The pin up was really cute.


I've been terrifically busy lately, thinking and loving you always, but not much time to write. Be patient darling and you'll hear more about he 45th later. We are certainly seeing the country the hard way, but as long as I can look forward to seeing you when this is over; fishing, swimming and making lots of love, and really living.


Will write more later.


All my love



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