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"I hope you will get this letter O.K. even though it is late. These last two weeks have really been rugged. The pressure is on. I think mostly that they want to see if we can take it. I guess if I use my sense of humor and don't worry about it, I will make it. Still it's rather nerve wracking to see them culling boys out all around you".

Friday, 27 November 1942 (D421127)

Thirtieth Company

Third Student Training Regiment

Fort Benning, Georgia


November 27, 1942


Dear Folks


I hope you will get this letter O.K. even though it is late. These last two weeks have really been rugged. The pressure is on. I think mostly that they want to see if we can take it. I guess if I use my sense of humor and don't worry about it, I will make it. Still it's rather nerve wracking to see them culling boys out all around you.


I guess there isn't any way to say or write how much your visit here meant to me. It was surely great.


I both called and wrote to the Daniels of my appreciation for their wonderful hospitality. 


The clock and raisins arrived yesterday and our clock fixer had it ringing at 5:30 this morning. He said the main spring was caught on the hair spring, or something like that. The Christian Advocate's arrived today but I haven't had time to read them yet.


We had a nice Thanksgiving supper and service here last night and I for one was mighty thankful to be here, even though I was a bit homesick.


I had a nice letter from Charlie and Gladys. They said how much they enjoyed your visit. Also had a good letter from Floyd. He is having the time of his life in Washington, and says all the girls are giving him the rush.


Well, best of luck to all the families and I'll write more later.


With love



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