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“That's Army red tape; going North to get South. I am looking forward to returning to my squadron because they are all such nice fellows . . .”

Saturday, 1 November 1941  (D411101)

Army Red Tape

November 1, 1941

Dear Folks,


It would be so much better if I could be talking to you now but it just can't be done. I am supposed to report back at Selfridge Field, Michigan Monday Morning so it is just impossible to get home this time. I could be sent to Meridian, Miss from Selfridge Field. That's Army red tape going North to get South. I am looking forward to returning to my squadron because they are all such nice fellows comparatively.


Aunt Nettie came out to the Fort to see me last week but I was on duty so didn't get to talk to her--only a few minutes.  It seemed good to see her and she looked like she was having a good time. The folks that brought her were very nice. 


This afternoon I sent a few pairs of coveralls to you they will come to the Maynard Express office. They were issued to me for work but now that I am a 1st cook I will only be wearing white clothes. I have white trousers and jacket with a regular chefs hat. I'm quite a horrible looking specimen when I get dressed for the kitchen, it reminds me of dressing for show day at the fair.


I had a letter from Charlie saying that they were coming the 8th and 9th of November. I certainly wish that I could stay and see them but Uncle Sam wants what he wants when he wants it.


It was nice to get the letter from George and wish that I could go up and see him but I haven't the time.


It's still raining here and I'm wondering how the farmers are ever going to get the crops in.


I will drop a card from Selfridge Field and will let you know when I get to Miss. Best regards to everyone.


With Love 

Stub          (Stub was a boyhood nickname)

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