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“We certainly do live high here in the Army as far as food is concerned; chicken, duck, turkey, sweet potato, ice cream, etc. I feel like a hypocrite sometimes when I have to throw out good meat and potatoes... “

Wednesday, 22 October 1941 (411022)

Living High

Oct 22, 1941


Dear Folks, 

I was glad to get your letter Mother, they mean so much to me. I was awfully sorry to hear of Pa's accident, those darn silo fillers and shredders are more dangerous than they look. Its a good thing that you had a nurse on hand to help fix it up. A dozen stitches are too many to be putting in one person at one time. I guess the only way to avoid accidents is to sit in the old arm chair. I had a nice letter from Charlie and Erma, they seemed awfully happy and excited about her father coming down and they also mentioned that they would make a trip up here to see us. Leave it to Army style I don't know when I will be shipped to Meridian, Miss. Maybe at the end of this month and maybe not for another month. They won't tell me until the last of the month. So it is impossible for me to make any plans. I would like very much to see you before leaving for down there and it may be that I will get time enough off to drive out before going. As I find out more I will let you know. 


School has been going good this month and I am getting to enjoy fixing the different meats and gravies that we make. We certainly do live high here in the Army as far as food is concerned; chicken, duck, turkey, sweet potato, ice cream etc. I feel like a hypocrite sometimes when I have to throw out good meat and potatoes when there are so many people who need them. Times are getting pretty hard around here, the cost of living has doubled and income is only up about 14% and many fellows out of work because their factories can't get materials.


Its raining here now but that isn't exactly new to us as this whole fall has been pretty wet. Of course it makes good fall pasture.


My car should be fixed some time next week, I hope.


Please tell Wes and family hello. How is Margaret and Gladys getting along.


Best regards to neighbors

With Love


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