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“All indications are that we will be moved someplace; where and how and when is a military secret; however we have had orders to be ready to leave with a 6 hour notice.”

Friday, 12 December 1941 (D411212)

Pearl Harbor!

U.S Air Corps

Dear Folks,


I have a few minutes now between meals to write so will try to make the best of it. I certainly enjoyed your letter and appreciate every word that I can get from home. Yesterday I had a swell letter from Gladys and will try to get it answered before we leave here.


We are under strict military guard here now and everything is running on a 24 hour basis, including the kitchen. We are not allowed to leave the post for more than one hour and then only if we can have an address and telephone number to be called in came of emergency.


All indications are that we will be moved someplace; where and how and when is a military secret; however we have had orders to be ready to leave with a 6 hour notice.


They told us that they had started censoring the mail now so it may take longer to get this through.


It has been raining here the last few days and we are all wading around in mud up to our ankles, but it's warm and we are all busy and happy. I enjoy my work a lot and am training to become a pretty good cook.


Under these conditions I guess it's nearly impossible to make commitments to see you until this emergency is over. I saw Charlie and family and they can tell you all about it. We had a grand time together unexpectedly.


Was awful sorry to hear of Wes's fall and hope that it don't bother him too much. How is Connie and Strub and Theresa?


The thing I would like most for Christmas is a picture of you folks in a small case or folder if possible. If you send it to me I'm sure that they will forward it.


I'm very sorry for Uncle Louis at this time but certainly think it would be unwise for you folks to go to the West Coast in times like these. Maybe you could meet half way or something like that. Possibly at Charlie's.


I've got to get back to the mess hall now an I wish you all a Merry Christmas and assure you that I'll be thinking of you and the wonderful times we've had together. Don't Worry!


with love 


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