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"I just had to write and tell you about our delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Of course we couldn't have it on Thanksgiving, but it was mighty good a day late. I made an apple pie in my mess kit, how about that? We had turkey giblet dressing and cranberry sauce. Hot stuff right?"

Saturday, November 27, 1943 (D431127)




Nov. 27, 1943


Dear Jan

I just had to write and tell you about our delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Of course we couldn't have it on Thanksgiving but it was mighty good a day late. I made an apple pie in my mess kit, how about that? We had turkey giblet dressing and cranberry sauce. Hot stuff right!


Now darling if I'd only had you to help with the dinner it'd been perfect. When this is over we'll have lots of fun together making things. We had a little wine too and I gave a toast to you and the other fine officer's wives. I think of you very often darling and wish you all the luck in the world.


All my love


Editor's Note: When Janet received this letter, she sent it on to Leonard’s Mother, Carrie. In turn, Carrie sent it to the Ted Malone radio show in New York. Carrie received the letter below. I contacted The Kansas City University Libraries, that hold archival material from Ted Malone’s files. Regrettably, I received this reply: “I wish I was contacting you with better news. We do have some recordings and transcripts of Ted Malone’s “Between the Bookends,” but unfortunately, we do not have that specific broadcast.


I searched a few other archives online but could not find the broadcast from that date.

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