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"There are two sections to the school. One academic and two leadership qualities. The leadership is the most important but you have to pass them both in order to graduate".

Friday, 2 October 1942 (D421002)

Oct 2, 1942

Candidate Leonard Talcott (36040184)

30 Co. 5th B.N. 3rd Tng Reg.

Harmony Church Area

Fort Benning, Georgia


Dear Folks


Arrived here yesterday and started right into school. They are going to give us some very good training here. Fast and furious. My graduation date will be December 28, 1942. If I make the grade and If I've got all the qualities required. There are two sections to the school. One academic and two leadership qualities. The leadership is the most important but you have to pass them both in order to graduate.


I forgot to mention it in my letters but I want you to destroy those from Camp Roberts. Of course I know that you won't say anything to anybody about this situation but we're warned  and commanded not to say, think, or write anything concerning military operations. So again you'll just have to wait till the war is over to find out the answers to lots of questions that I know you'll have.


We had a very nice six day trip out here on the Southern Pacific, the southern route.

We will have Sundays free, so I plan to attend the church services and go to a show that day in order to relieve pressure.


It surely would be nice if you folks could figure out some way of coming down here for a Sunday sometime. Perhaps Pat could come with you. Otherwise, if all goes well I should be able to be home a few days around the first of January.


I thought of Wes on his birthday and sure wish him many more happy ones. Please tell Uncle Louis that I appreciated his card and am looking forward to a long talk with him.


I'll bet it’s pretty hot there filling silo now. It's cold here nights and mornings and hot during the day.


My campsite address is at the top of the letter.


With love


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