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“I'm awfully sorry that I haven't written to you sooner but I really have been too busy and upset to write to anyone; however I am finally getting adjusted to this place”.

Tuesday, 16 September 1941  (D410916)

Learning to Cook

Monday Night


Dear Folks, 


I'm awfully sorry that I haven't written to you sooner but I really have been too busy and upset to write to anyone; however I am finally getting adjusted to this place. I had given a big build up about how nice it was and how much they taught you, then when I got here it was such a disappointment to have to do regular K.P. work for a couple of drunken instructors who don't know any more about cooking than I do. It was pretty hard to take at first but now I'm getting used to it and it isn't bad. I find that I can learn a lot by having the chance to fix the food myself. We start work at 4:30 in the morning and get through about 7:00 at night. Regular dairy man's hours. 7 days a week.


I'm anxious to hear how you folks are feeling and what what you are doing. Gladys sent me some nice cookies for my birthday and they taste awfully good before bed. I got Aunt Netties card at Tulings. If you see her I wish you would tell her that I appreciated it a lot. It reminded me of the time I got that nickel from Uncle Doc a long time ago on my birthday. We prepare ourselves some wonderful food and we have a nice place to stay. It's something like the dormitory at college with the cafeteria. The grounds are beautiful here and we are quite close to town but I have neither time nor energy to see it.

With Love




Cookers and Baker School

Fort Sheridan, Illinois

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