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"Please don't feel badly about my being in the infantry because as I've told you before the infantry will prepare me for what ever circumstances I run into, and I feel better about knowing what to do". 

Thursday, 9 October 1942 (D421009)

Oct 9, 1942


Dear Folks


Yesterday I received lots of mail. I got your V letter and the letter that you all had written addressed here; and the one from Wesley. Also one from Charlie. It was certainly great.


It's true that I'm very busy here in school but as you used to say, I'm happier when I'm busy. Some of this stuff is hard to pick up and it's all so vital that a person can't afford to miss any of it. Also if possible, I'm going to make good in this school. IF I graduate here on December 28, 1942, I will be a commissioned second Lt. Please don't feel badly about my being in the infantry because as I've told you before the infantry will prepare me for what ever circumstances I run into, and I feel better about knowing what to do. It's like a ball game, the better you know the game the better chance you've got to win. That was the only thing I didn't like about my job in the Air Corps. I knew my job OK, but I didn't have much knowledge about some of the other very important phases of the game. One thing I'm sure is that if I get through this school I'll know my stuff and I'll have the self confidence that a soldier needs. I feel very fortunate that the breaks have come to me the way they have: My coming up through the ranks will mean a lot to me in leading men in the future. And the association with the men and officers in the 12th Squadron is a very fine memory.


Surely was glad to hear that Myron could visit you all. Wish I could have been there to see him. Sounds like you've got an awful lot of work there trying to build the barn and having all those fresh cows. Guess you'll just have to hope for warm weather for a while.


Last night I got through work about 6:30 PM and hurried as fast as I could to Columbus which is nine miles from Camp. The Soldiers were so thick that I didn't get a bus in to town until 10:30, then I had to be back at midnight, so you can see from that how much time I have. Yesterday afternoon I finished my map reading course and we had over 2 hours graded test. I think I did all right on the test.


Sure was glad to hear from Wes and to get the pictures. Mother looks well and happy in that picture and the boys seem to be strictly on the beam.


I will try to write every Sunday, and if possible during the week, but things move so fast during the week that I don't have any time at all.


It seems to me that the USO is doing a fine job here in Columbus. They have about 9 buildings here and last night I had an hour's good dancing at one of the places. It helped a lot to relax after the week and the people were all very friendly.


With love to all



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