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 “I have been out trying to buy five or six milking Jersey cows but haven't found what I want yet”.

Friday, 12 January 1940 (D400112)

Frozen Pipes

Please send the enclosed letter back to me

Love Leonard

Dear Folks


I surely was glad to get your letter but sorry to hear of all the deaths. It seems to me that both Mr. Smith and Mr. M. Comb will be better off this way. What will Smiths do with the farm now?


From your letter I would judge that it was nearly as cold there as it was here. We had such a sudden change in weather here a week ago Sunday that all of my cows caught colds and I nearly lost a cow and calf, but luck was with me and they are all back to normal now. It just seems like when we get something fixed something else happens. Our water pipes were frozen and we had to carry water to the cows for a couple of days.


It surely was good to see Gladys and talk things over with her. I'm sure that she will like being married. She spoke about Margaret needing money for the spring quarter. Would you please write and let me known how much she wants and when she wants it. I would be glad to send it anytime.


I have been out trying to buy five or six milking Jersey cows but haven't found what I want yet.


We are making a  desperate attempt to get to the North Shore by the 15th of February. I will have to go in there every day for at least a month to get that started. Our business here is picking up gradually and we have a dairy that is going to buy bottled milk from us to sell in Arlington Heights. It makes an awful lot of work for me now but I know that I'll be well rewarded for it in the future and even now the Anderson's and everybody here treats me wonderfully.

I had a grand time with Alvenia at the Aragon but I don't plan to marry anyone for a couple of years anyway.



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