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Friday, 7 January 1944  (D440107)

Looking forward to rest



January 7, 1944


Jan Darling


Last year at this time I was there in Chicago with you. Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!

I sure could go for that now.

Have only a few seconds now but will write you an Air Mail very soon as we expect to get a rest and I'll get to a rest camp, where I will have lots of time to write. 

Hon your picture is really swell. It's nice that your girl friend is getting married. Please give her my best wishes. When I get back we'll see what we can do about closing 902 out. It's cold as the devil here today and the wind blowing like on Michigan Ave.

Glad you like wine darling, cause we'll be needing a little around the house.

All my love



"It's cold as the devil here today and the wind is blowing like on Michigan Ave."

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