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"There are four of us cooks who have a little separate room in the barracks, kinda like a box stall, but we have it fixed up pretty nice with a few pictures that we cut out of the magazine. A picture of King Bessie Senator, one of the Statue of Liberty and one of a Belgian Stallion".

Saturday, 3 January 1942 (D420103)

An Update

Dear Folks and Uncle Louis,


It was so good to get your letter and know that you had arrived there safely and were having a good time. I really don't think that Japan will be trying anything funny there until they finish what they started out on the water. Frankly I don't think they will ever get to the West coast to do much damage. Our boys will keep them pretty busy where they are for a while and of course with our air superiority and good training we will be able to put them in their place. Russia is doing a wonderful job on Hitler and I believe if he was stopped that Italy and Japan would be glad to listen to reason.


We have had no orders as to when, how or where we will move - just to be ready.


Please don't worry about me as I don't have any intention of being killed physically or spiritually - life is too sweet for that. I received my new Readers' Digest and Charlie sent me a couple of Coronets and I use the library a lot. I really don't have much spare time now because two of our cooks are in the hospital and we keep getting more and more men into the Squadron. I like my work a lot and feel that I am doing something constructive for the cause.


There are four of us cooks who have a little separate room in the barracks, kinda like a box stall, but we have it fixed up pretty nice with a few pictures that we cut out of the magazine. A picture of King Bessie Senator, one of the Statue of Liberty and one of a Belgian Stallion.


I had a nice card from Aunt Nettie. She seemed quite upset but I don't think she should worry. As you say, the automobile accidents are nearly as bad as the war - sometimes I think a soldier is safer than automobile drivers.

I received the candy yesterday, thanks a lot, it certainly hit the spot. How long do you expect to stay there? Will Uncle Louis come back with you? Surely hope he gets to feeling better soon. Tell him I think he needs a lot of rest.


With Love


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