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A worried mother gets some kind reassurance

Monday, June 1 1942  (s420602))

Leonard's mother, Carrie V Talcott, had not received letters from Leonard for some time. She wrote to W.W. Waymack, Editorial Editor at The Register and Tribune in DesMoines, Iowa. Her letter is lost, but his remarkably compassionate reply is shown here.

W W Waymack Letter.png

Waymack was a Pulitzer Prize winning editor of the Des Moines Register and Tribune, 1931-1946, and one of the original members of the first Atomic Energy Commission, 1946-1949. He also served as chairman of the Economic Policy Committee, 1938-1941, and was a member of the Iowa Farm Tenancy Committee, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Allied Mission for the Observation of Greek Elections (1946). Waymack was involved in over one hundred organizations and projects. His correspondents include many of the leading political figures of the day.

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