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"You should see my apartment here. It's really a honey. Built 5 feet underground, about 3 ft wide and six long. The sides are boarded up so the sand won't cave in and the top is boarded over with 6" of dirt on top of that so other items don't come in.The only furniture is my bed roll and a candle. Sometimes it's a bit damp but it's comparatively safe".

Wednesday, 22 March 1944  (D440322)




March 22, 1944 


Dear Jan -


It's the nature of man to brag a little - so I'm enclosing the clipping about our division - (Editor Note: I could not find that clipping) We think it's the finest in the world. They have made a number of world records already in this war. My best hope is that we end the war soon. Very soon.


I do hope that those pictures you took in Oak Park turn out good and that I'll soon be getting some of the them. We have some relatives in Oak Park. One has charge of the lunch room in a school and I'm not sure what the others do. I'll write home and find out where they live and what they do. Maybe they can help you find a nice place out there.


You should see my apartment here. It's really a honey. Built 5 feet underground, about 3 ft wide and six long. The sides are boarded up so the sand won't cave in and the top is boarded over with 6" of dirt on top of that so other items don't come in.The only furniture is my bed roll and a candle. Sometimes it's a bit damp but it's comparatively safe.


Happy Easter darling. with all my love, yours Len

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