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“Last week a couple of boys stole my car and smashed it up a couple of times - result damage about $250*.”

*$4,700 in 2022

Thursday, 9 October 1941  (D411009)

Highest Grades

Do you know who J. Brown's works for?



Dear Folks,


It was awfully nice to receive your letter and to know that things were progressing there. Its too bad that the car had to quit before you got to your family reunion but I guess accidents will happen. Thanks a lot for those delicious apple pickles, they all so good before I get in bed at night. You mustn't have any squeamish feeling about sending that grade of art to anyone.


The past week has been one continuous thunder shower, but today the sun has been shining and every thing is lovely. The trees are a million different colours and the grass is all up about 8" high, and I'll bet you have some ripe watermelon. As yet we haven't had a frost but last night it was only 36℉.


I've been awfully busy in the kitchen and certainly hope that I will be good enough to be held here for a mess sergeant course. My classroom instructors told me that I had the highest grades of anyone in the kitchen but its hard to tell what this outfit will do next.


Last week a couple of boys stole my car and smashed it up a couple of times- result damage about $250. Thank goodness the insurance covers it. It didn't hurt the boys at all and they ran into a telephone pole so the whole thing was pretty lucky. It just smashed the front end.


Those pictures were just swell-it was good to see Gladys’ boys right along beside Wes - two good looking gentlemen. I certainly hope Wes can shake that cold before Fall starts in.


It would be nice if Aunt Nettie could come but it's awfully hard to get to see me here at Fort Sheridan because of my long hours.


There is a boy here from Fort Dodge, Iowa, who knows Henry Glime - his name is Sam Evensen. He used to stay at the Y.M.C.A there. It was awfully nice to get the World.


Surely hope you folks are well, best regards to all the friends. Pat sends her regards. 


With Love


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