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Sunday, 09 Sept 1942 (D420920)

"I'm not sure how long I'll be at this camp. It seems that every move is clothed in secrecy. Everybody but the men in the army know what is happening when".

Friday, 18 September 1942 (D420918)

Company C

82 Battalion 

1st Platoon

U.S Army Service Clubs

Camp Roberts, California

September 18, 1942

Dear Folks


This is the first time in nine months that I've been able to take my clothes out of a barracks bag and call myself in the least bit settled - even now I'm not sure how long I'll be at this camp. It seems that every move is clothed in secrecy. Everybody but the men in the army know what is happening when.


I of course don't know what information you have received from me but I'll have a lot to tell you when I do see you. Expect you are wondering why I don't get a furlough and come home.


I've tried every conceivable way to get a furlough but the men in charge keep reminding me that there is a war going on. It seems very absurd to me - after I've been out there in it for 8 months to have a barracks office tell me there is a war going on. However we must all make the best of it and try to realize that there are lots smarter men than I am running this enormous game of war and pray that we accomplish the end toward which we are working.


I will explain the best way I can on paper about my going to infantry school instead of quartermaster. In order for me to attend officers school it was necessary for me to have a waiver from the war department on my teeth, by the time the waiver got back to Christmas Island the quota for the quartermaster school was already filled - however because I had received the highest grade of any applicant they allowed me to change my application to the infantry school so that I could come back to school. I believe this infantry training will do me a lot of good and if I get to be an officer I'll be a help to the service.


I understand the school is mighty rugged - that I'll receive part of the training here and part at Fort Benning, Georgia. That if I do get any furlough it will be after I get my commission and then it will be a mighty short one. I don't know about going overseas again but I want to go East next time I go.


Please don't worry about me as I have faith in God and the world beyond - I just hope that I will have done some good here while I've had the chance. I've tried not to hurt anyone and I've appreciated all the wonderful things that you have done for me more than ever. I realize the advantage and magnitude of good health and faith in the beyond. I don't mean this to be a spiritualist letter but I know you have wondered what my ideas on religion were.

With Love


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