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“I left here on Thursday night without a written pass from the Commander. Consequently the last 7 days I have spent doing special Kitchen Police, also I have been confined to quarters.”

Tuesday, 12 August 1941  (D410812)

Learning about AWOL

Service Men's Division

National Lutheran Council

Tuesday Morning

Dear Folks,


I received the Holstein World last Saturday and I certainly did enjoy looking at it. It was good to get your letter mother and to know everything was O.K there. Margaret must really have a good job up there. It seems to me that it is almost perfect. The Talcott reunion must have been fun and it's nice to know that Pa is the new President. Is that why we have the change in date and place? I suppose the county fair is in full swing about now. Are you going to take anything this year and does the church still have the stand there all week?


The first of the month, when Charlie was up here, I went with him to Crystal Lake to finish up my business there. I went out to the Dairy and found everything running quite smoothly. Mr Andersen had on his overalls and was working. So I guess there is no danger of anything happening to it. He told me the sooner I get back the better- he would like it and that if there were any changes to be made we could make them then.


Charlie wanted to take care of the payments on my car so I got it back from the garage and have it with me now. In this line of service I can use it to a good advantage.


I left here on Thursday night without a written pass from the Commander. Consequently the last 7 days I have spent doing special Kitchen Police, also I have been confined to quarters.


It was very interesting working in the Kitchen where they feed 1,000 men a day. They give them the finest quality of food and the rations are well balanced. We have a machine which cleans and scrapes most of the skin off the potatoes. We have to dig out the eyes and cut them up. These nights during the week I helped the baker. We made 3,000 doughnuts one night, 3,000 home made cookies another and baked about 800 pies another. That was really interesting.


I'm not sure yet but maybe I'd like to go to cooking school and be a cook. I've met a lot of nice fellows here and enjoy the life as much as can be expected. I miss you and father an awful lot but maybe I can find a way to get out there on a furlong sometime during the year. Things happen so fast and there is as much to do that the time goes pretty fast.


I didn't receive the card about the reunion but probably will before long. Best regards to everybody. Ask Connie if I can chew his gum after supper although I'll bet Steve is getting about big enough to handle it then.


With Love


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