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Monday, October  16, 1944  (d440919)

In Hospital in Naples

V-Mail to Myron & Carrie Talcott

Randalia, Iowa


Dear Folks

It's a beautiful day here in Italy. A little cold, and maybe a little damp, but from inside here looking out it seems all right. We are high on a hilltop and can look out over the town. Farther off we can see the mountains with snow on the peaks. the trees are getting ready for Winter and it seems that each one has taken on a different color. It certainly makes for a beautiful scene.


I'm feeling very good again now, the Pleurisy  and cold that I had with it are gone and my leg is healing very nicely. it is still in a cast thigh. Today the doctor stopped my Penicillin shots that I had been taking every 3 hours. That was certainly a relief. But the shots were certainly worthwhile to stop the infection that had started in my leg. Today is a month since I was hit and I've certainly done all the good.


Best of luck to all.


with love



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