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14 June 1943 (D430614)




June 14, 1943


Dear Jan


Expect that you'll have a tough time reading this picture of my letter. Especially with my fancy spelling and penmanship. Also notice by the address that I need some practice making 'Z's. I think you should change your name to Talcott. The war will soon be over and we can take care of details like that- ???-


Hon, I'm healthy, happy and full of hell in North Africa. It was a fine trip. Someday maybe we can make it together and I'll act as a guide, OK? Please notice my new address and keep the letters flying. Your letters really help the morale and you know I'm anxious to know all about everything. Expect that it's getting hot nights in Chicago now and you will spend lots of nights at the beach. Sure would enjoy being there with you. I'm still thinking about those snap shots. Be good darling and I hope to see you soon.





"I'm healthy, happy and full of hell in North Africa"

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