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Back in the USA & a slow recovery

Leonard left Italy and returned to the USA for further care and recovery. He was treated in three hospitals; O'Reilly in Springfield, Missouri, Stark General Hospital in Charleston, South Carolina & Wakeman Hospital near Edinburgh, Indiana

V Mail

Springfield, MO  O’Reilly Hospital

Tuesday, January 16, 1945 (D450116)

Dear Folks


Surely was nice to talk to you Saturday and am very sorry that I hadn't written before. I guess I'm in pretty much of a whirl, what with moving form here and not knowing which place I'm going. They told me this morning that they still don't know whether it'll be Colorado or Indiana. I'm praying that it's Indiana. This is a question for the Surgeon General in Washington to decide. 


My leg is getting along just swell and I can bend my knee nearly a full bend now, and it doesn't bother me at night any more.


I still have hopes of getting a leave as soon as I get to my next hospital.


Janet and I plan to be married the first part of Feb. If I can get  a leave we will go to her home and be married up there. Otherwise she'll come to where I am. I was never so sure that I was right as I am this time. A really wonderful girl and I hope you will like her as well as your other daughters-in-law.


Received the laundry bag with all the clothes this morning. Thanks very much for fixing them so nice for me. The apples are good and I was surely happy to get my pen.


Surely hope that you folks are all well, and want you to know that I have never enjoyed anything as much as my time at home. It was really grand.


With love



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