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"The southern girls are quite diminutive and when they go formal they really go formal. The grand march was really beautiful. However they didn't have the conversational ability that the northern girls have.

Monday, 02 November 1942 (D421102

Thirtieth Company

Third Student Training Regiment

Fort Benning, Georgia


Sunday Morning


Dear Folks


Expect you are all getting ready for Sunday school and church about this time. I'm ready here and will go at 10:30. Today is a special program and we have invited the commanding officer of the school and all of his staff. The Chaplain's wife sometimes paints pictures and sings an appropriate song for the picture. Las Sunday she sang "at the end of a perfect day".


There is a student here in my class who's name is Gilette. He's a cousin to the Gilette in northern Iowa. A very nice fellow and I believe exceptional officer material. 


I've had a very entertaining weekend. Friday night they had a special OC dance at the USO and I had a good time there. Then last night I went to a formal Halloween dance at the other large USO club where I especially enjoyed the colorful grand march and the Missouri Waltz. 


The southern girls are quite diminutive and when they go formal they really go formal. The grand march was really beautiful. However they didn't have the conversational ability that the northern girls have.


Saturday was my last day as a Platoon leader and the guide officer told me that I did a good job, but that I would have to keep working on my voice and try to get it deeper. It makes me think of Uncle Doc and his mellow deep voice. I've been trying to simulate it but as yet have not accomplished satisfactory results.


Thanks for sending me the H.F. World. I enjoyed the write up of the cattle congress and the pictures of the winners.


I guess Mrs. Daniels and I received word that you weren't coming on the same day (Wed) because when I called her Thursday she had received your letter. She and her husband are certainly fine people. 


We've got an old (U.S. Army Cannon Heater) pot bellied stove here in our hutment and it feels mighty good today even though it did get up to 100 yesterday afternoon.


Best regards to everyone


With love Leonard

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